

The interest of visitors and exhibitors in Hungary’s most significant business and industrial event remains unbroken. Over 14,000 professionals attended the MACH-TECH International Trade Exhibition for Machine Manufacturing and Welding Technology and the INDUSTRY DAYS International Industrial Trade Exhibiton, and the AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY International Trade Exhibition for Automotive Industry Suppliers, which concluded on Friday at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center.

The three exhibitions held simultaneously actually form a four-day business meeting that has played a defining role both domestically and in the region for years. The 450 exhibitors from 16 countries — including the most significant manufacturing, distribution, and service companies — showcased their developments over more than 12,000 square meters to professionals and interested parties seeking solutions and answers to the diverse challenges affecting their companies in the fields of industry and automotive manufacturing. According to the unanimous opinion of the exhibitors, MACH-TECH, INDUSTRY DAYS, and AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY provide a unique opportunity for representatives of different sectors to leverage inter-industry synergies and meet with their existing and future business partners.

In keeping with the event’s traditions, the exhibitors exposed themselves again this year: at professionally constructed and arranged stands, they spectacularly showcased complex production lines, revolutionary technologies, and autonomous robots capable of performing a wide variety of tasks.

Based on pre-registration and participation data, it can be said that the professional events, roundtable discussions, and training sessions accompanying the exhibitions were highly successful once again. Among the dozens of conferences and forums, the highlights included the 3rd Plastics Industry Conference by MMSZ, the “Welding and Manufacturing of Railway Vehicles” conference by Join-Trans organized by the Hungarian Welding Technology and Material Testing Association, the occupational safety conference held at the exhibition, and the conference by the Budapest and Pest County Chamber of Engineers.

More than 350 people visited the Application Zone “mini factory,” an imaginary semi-automatic production line where the organizers integrated the technologies of several companies to allow visitors to see the sub-processes of manufacturing in operation.

At the traditional Automotive Supplier B2B meeting organized by HIPA, MAGE, and MAJOSZ, 79 Hungarian automotive suppliers held direct negotiations with procurement representatives from 19 multinational automotive corporations. According to the preliminary online registration data, a total of 328 personal meetings took place, which can be considered a significant success.

The traditional competition for engineering students in Hungary, Techtogether Automotive Hungary, and the accompanying prize of 500,000 forints was won by the BME FRT team this time. The second place went to another team of Budapest University of Technology and Economics students, BME Motorsport. The third place was secured by StudentTechLab ELTE. A total of 9 teams participated in the competition, comprising 272 members.

On the third day of the exhibition, 35 students from 6 high schools participated in the Techtogether*Simulation Mechatronic Challenge competition.

At the opening ceremony, the IPAR NAPJAI – MACH-TECH GRAND PRIX were awarded, recognizing the best and most outstanding innovations as judged by the professional jury. According to the competition’s criteria, any modern, domestically marketed product, process, or technical service fitting the exhibition’s theme could enter. The list of awardees can be found here.

The next exhibition at HUNGEXPO in October will be ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA. We look forward to welcoming you!


With a focus on developing hydrogen-based technology, Hungarian battery manufacturing and industrial robotization, Friday saw the conclusion of the 15th MACH-TECH, 9th INDUSTRY DAYS and 10th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibitions. At the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center, over 400 exhibitors from 15 countries presented their products and services to nearly 15 thousand professional visitors.

Due to the pandemic, Hungary’s largest business-industrial gathering was only hosted virtually last year, which is why it was so important for domestic and international market operators to meet in person this year. Amongst other things, this was one of the subjects that Gábor Ganczer, CEO of Hungexpo Ltd., touched on at the opening ceremony. The host explained: a number of key changes have taken place at Hungexpo over the past one year. During the pandemic, the long-awaited congress center of the capital city was completed, all the pavilions were renewed and a new reception building was built at the main entrance. The exhibitors and visitors have started to return, which is a sign of optimism, added Gábor Ganczer.

László György, the Ministry for Innovation and Technology’s (ITM) State Secretary for Economic Planning and Regulation thanked the businesses for their partnership over the last two and a half years in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and for retaining their employees and workplaces throughout the crisis without postponing their investments. The State Secretary of the ITM emphasized that the Russian-Ukrainian war poses a threat to peace, stability, energy supply and the supply of industrial companies operating in Hungary due to the fragmentation of the supply chains.

At the exhibition’s opening ceremony, István Lepsényi, President of the Hungarian Hydrogen Technological Alliance signed a declaration of intent with the representatives of major corporations on the development of hydrogen-based freight transport and the related fuelling infrastructure in Hungary.

The INDUSTRY DAYS – MACH-TECH Grand Prix awards were also presented at the opening ceremony. GRAND PRIX awards were presented to the companies Abraziv Mérnöki Iroda és Gépgyártó Kft., Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, Losonczi Innovation Kft., Metal Trading & Consulting Tanácsadó és Kereskedelmi Kft., Pure Air Kft., Trigo Precíziós Méréstechnika Kft. and Weidmüller Kereskedelmi Kft.

This year saw the 9th INDUSTRY DAYS and 15th MACH-TECH exhibitions, where domestic and international industry world brands, market leaders as well as small and mid-sized enterprises presented their products, services, unique solutions and developments. The partner event of the assortment of industrial exhibitions, the domestic exhibition of automotive suppliers and operators, the 10th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibition, again provided an overview of the Hungarian market operators and innovations of the automotive manufacturing industry, while also serving as a forum where a number of domestic and international suppliers and service providers could meet one another.

The event was accompanied by numerous high quality attractions organised by professional partners and exhibitors. Amongst other things, these dealt with the subjects of e-mobility, battery manufacturing, the basics of welding technology, the opportunities inherent in digitalization, the recovery of polymers, paperless intralogistics, the development of the Hungarian hydrogen economy, German-Hungarian technologies, the future of occupational health and safety as well as 3D printing.

For the first time this year, the representatives of the welding industry organized presentations and workshops on all four days of the exhibition.

The organizers and the participants of the exhibition were both pleased that – just as in previous years – over 14,500 professional visitors successfully concluded their attendance at the four-day event.

This year also saw the 10th Techtogether Automotive Hungary engineer competition, where the engineer students of all the major higher education institutions of the country competed with one another. This year’s competition was won by BME Motorsport.


At unusual time, in an unusual way were waiting the specialists for the professionals at this year’s INDUSTRY DAYS trade exhibition. Due to the epidemic situation, Hungary’s industrial show was organized in a virtual form by Hungexpo, in which more than 15% of the exhibitors of the traditional event took part.

Dr. Ádám NAGY, the Deputy State Secretary for Industry Strategies and Regulation, Ministry for Innovation and Technology, in his greeting, said that he was very pleased to see that the actors of the Hungarian economy had excelled in this very difficult period.

In his speech, he discussed the significance of the exhibition: a platform where you can get to know the products and services that the participating companies present to each other and to their business partners using the most modern technologies.

He closed his video message with a short presentation of the opportunities of starting support programs of the domestic industry, the GINOP Plus 2021, which has a support budget of HUF 587 billion, as well as other domestically funded programs, such as the Irinyi Plan industrial strategy support program 2021.

Hungexpo tried to prepare as fully as possible for the INDUSTRY DAYS, but finally the exhibition was organized in virtual form due to the restrictive measures imposed because of the epidemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. Mr. Gábor GANCZER, CEO of Hungexpo Ltd., said at the opening broadcast from the company’s own virtual studio, that he believes in the future and knows that physical business events, live events that many people miss are essential to relaunching the economy. The CEO is sure that next spring the MACH-TECH and INDUSTRIAL DAYS exhibitions will once again be among the largest trade exhibitions in the region and visitors and exhibitors will soon be able to meet in person in the new and renovated pavilions of Hungexpo.

Participants sought to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the online platform, companies “arranged” their booths using almost every function.

Exhibitors uploaded 96 special or unique offers in total and offered 80 live chat time for the visitors so that companies’ experts can give immediate answers to their questions.

3 000 professional visitors registrated for the exhibition. During the entire opening hours, nearly 2 400 stand visits took place, half of which on the opening day. The most popular exhibitor could meet up to 170 new potential business partners.

Programs – in virtual form

The event was enriched by 2 roundtable discussions, a multi-presentation conference and a presentation. Topics were varied, because the programs covered industrial sectors from the special purpose machine construction, through sustainable development on energy or labour safety for the future generations to the 5G technology.

In addition to the re-viewable programs, experts from the exhibiting companies were available to instantly answer questions from interested professionals in many industries through chat, video chat or e-mail.

We thank our exhibitors and visitors for participating the virtual INDUSTRY DAYS trade exhibition!



Despite the lower exhibitor and visitor turnout due to the coronavirus, the participants still had positive views on the recently concluded INDUSTRY DAYS International Industrial Trade Exhibition, which was concurrently hosted on this occasion with the AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY International Trade Exhibition for Automotive Industry Suppliers at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center. The business partners agreed that re-launching the economy depends, amongst other things, on whether companies find networking opportunities such as those offered by the current event. The organizers of the exhibition introduced exceptionally strict health and hygienic measures which were observed to minimise the risk of infection.

More: HERE



The greatest industrial muster of the region grew with the same degree as the performance of the Hungarian industry over the last five years. This year, four pavilions hosted 562 exhibitors from 20 countries at the MACH TECH Industry Days 2019 collection of international industrial trade exhibitions at Hungexpo from 14-17 May. Over 18 thousand visitors attended the event.

More: HERE


The breakdown of exhibitors changes year after year, yet there’s a clear trend: there is a sharp increase in the share of companies presenting robot technologies and exhibitors presenting machine control, corporate governance and logistics software. This year, 562 exhibitors displayed 1,100 tons of machines in the four Hungexpo exhibition halls.
Exhibitors’ list: HERE


The exhibition organizers again placed a great deal of emphasis on professional events. From the range of these attractions, the Ministry for Innovation and Technologys Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform Conference, focusing on the subject of artificial intelligence, received particular attention. The presenters included such prestigious experts as Professor John Montgomery of the Indiana University (USA) and Fazel Ansari, the Deputy Head of the Research Group of Smart and Knowledge-Based Maintenance, who talked about the “self-healing” processes of artificial intelligence-based machines.

There was a great deal of interest in the other conferences and round table discussions related to the exhibition, featuring themes such as 3D printing, workplace security, pressure equipment, the railway vehicle industry and anti-pollution solutions.

Two international delegations visited the collection of exhibitions, as organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba and the Czech-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.



Hungexpo Zrt. has been organizing industrial professional exhibitions for 25 years. Year after year, it has been gathering companies and providing an opportunity for the representatives of the various branches of industry to introduce themselves, thus allowing the resulting exhibition to provide a comprehensive overview of the operation of the industrial sector and its novelties and serving as an occasion to conclude business transactions.

At this year’s INDUSTRY DAYS, 315 exhibitors from 15 countries (including 51 foreign companies) presented their products and services covering all the themes of the exhibition, which shows a 10% increase compared to the event in 2016. The greatest industrial muster of the country was attended by 22% more visitors than last year with a total of 12,227 professionals.

The festive opening ceremony took place at 9 am on 15 May 2018.
The guests were welcomed by the speeches of the Ministry for National Economy’s (NGM) Minister of State for Economic Development and Regulation István Lepsényi as well as Gábor Ganczer, CEO of HUNGEXPO Zrt.
Our GRAND PRIX competition was again announced in 2018, featuring submissions from firms offering some form of novelty or innovation, including products, services, processes and technologies from their respective branch or industrial segment. The submitted documents were reviewed by a jury of professionals, whilst the awards were presented by Dr. János Takács, President of GTE to the representatives of KRL Kontrol Kft., Lasram Engineering Kft., Stratasys GmbH, KL-System Kft., KLÜBER Austria GmbH and IVM Zrt.

Subsequent to the opening ceremony, the now-traditional Industry 4.0 conference commenced, with expanded themes, prestigious foreign and Hungarian presenters, as hosted by the Ministry for National economy and the Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform.
The lectures of Jungheinrich Hungária Kft. also dealt with the exhibition’s highlighted subject, INDUSTRY 4.0, which on this occasion was entitled “Automated warehousing solutions for in-factory handling of materials”, related to intralogistics.

Visitors had the chance to attend two conferences in the subject of energetics, hosted by the Budapest and Pest Country Chamber of Engineers and the Hungarian Energetics Society which were announced for professionals.
The presentations of VARINEX Zrt. demonstrated wide-ranging engineering services in the service of future creations along with industrial 3D printing technologies.
This supplier forum returned this year, as hosted by the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and MAJOSZ. Participants reported a great number of concluded agreements and intense interest.
During the exhibition, visitors had a chance to get acquainted with the free SME-development services of the highlighted “Industry 4.0 Model factories” project jointly coordinated by IFKA and IVSZ, survey the Industry 4.0 developments of their firm and apply for the program. Additionally, the results of the “High Growth Companies” (or HGC) program were on display, allowing similar firms to join the program.
The Bay Zoltán Research Center staged a separate event focusing on the highlighted theme of Industry 4.0, as well as research programs and international business development. The lectures presented best practices through international and domestic examples.

As customary, the TECHTOGETHER – the competition of higher education engineer students – attracted a great deal of attention, as hosted by the Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering (GTE) and This year, a record number of entrants attended the event: 18 teams from 8 different higher educational institutions applied for the competition. The winner was the SZTE Airrari 1 team. 2. BME Formula Racing Team, 3. Szombathelyi Gépész.

On the third day of the INDUSTRY DAYS, Linde Anyagmozgatási Kft. staged its highly successful event, the 10th Forklift Cup. Forklift operators from all over the country came to attend the competition, where they put their skill and knowledge to the test. There was a lot at stake, as the top 3 finalists will represent Hungary at the International Forklift Cup – hosted in Germany in September. Thanks to the positive feedback over the recent years, this year over 200 competitors attended the event


The success of the exhibition is shown by the fact that numerous small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies took their place in the pavilion, and even in response to the needs we had to expand the exhibitor area and the conference rooms were put into a new pavilion.
Exhibitors’ list: HERE


In 2018 Ministry for National Economy and Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform organized again Industry 4.0 Conference, with extended themes, and renowned foreign and Hungarian performers. Key topics of the conference are: cyber-physical systems, digitalisation through the whole supply chain, future of Industrial IoT network and dual and cooperative education models

In addition to the wide range of exhibitors, numerous programs, conferences, presentations, engineering training and professional presentations awaited visitors, including energy, digitization, industry 4.0, logistics 4.0, automated warehouse solutions or 3D printing topics.

Linde Forklift Cup

Jungheinrich self-propelled forklift demonstration